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Segmented Inline Title

The Segmented Inline Title form element is used for a radio group with an inline title (The normal segmented element has the title above the radio buttons).



The ListItem class is provided in the example app. Your custom class just needs to override toString() to display in the segmentedInlineTitle group.


The SegmentedDrawable interface must be implemented by your custom class to provide the drawableRes.

  • Example: fruitsSegmented[0].drawableRes = R.drawable.icons8_banana


By default this is true. Setting this to false will stack the radio buttons vertically.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    horizontal = false

Fill Space

By default this is false. Setting this to true will fill the whole width.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    fillSpace = true

Drawable Direction

By default this is DrawableDirection.Top. Setting this will change where the drawable is displayed relative to the text.


DrawableDirection.Center will center the drawable. This also removes the text.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    drawableDirection = FormSegmentedElement.DrawableDirection.Top

Tint Color

By default this is the value of R.color.colorFormMasterElementRadioSelected. Setting this will set the tint color for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    tintColor = Color.BLUE

Margin (Stroke)

By default this is the value of R.dimen.elementRadioStrokeBorder. Setting this will set the margin (stroke) for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    marginDp = 5

Unchecked Tint Color

By default this is the value of R.color.colorFormMasterElementRadioUnSelected. Setting this will set the unchecked tint color for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    unCheckedTintColor = Color.WHITE

Checked Text Color

By default this is the value of R.color.colorFormMasterElementRadioSelected. Setting this will set the checked text color for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    checkedTextColor = Color.WHITE

Corner Radius

By default this is the value of R.dimen.elementRadioCornerRadius. Setting this will set the corner radius for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    cornerRadius = 5f

Text Size

By default this is the value of R.dimen.elementTextValueSize. Setting this will set the text size (In SP) for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    textSize = 12f

Radio Button Padding

By default this is the value of R.dimen.elementRadioPadding. Setting this will set the padding for each radio button.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    radioButtonPadding = 5

Radio Group Wrap Content

By default this is false. Enable to set the radio group layout_width to "wrap_content"

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    radioGroupWrapContent = true

Width of each radio button

By default, this is null which does not set the width.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    radioButtonWidth = 180

Height of each radio button

By default, this is null which does not set the height.

segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    radioButtonHeight = 240



segmentedInlineTitle<ListItem>(1) {
    options = listOf(ListItem(id = 1, name = "Banana"),
                     ListItem(id = 2, name = "Orange"))
    value = ListItem(id = 1, name = "Banana")


List<BaseFormElement<?>> elements = new ArrayList<>();
FormSegmentedInlineTitleElement<ListItem> segmentedInlineTitle = new FormSegmentedInlineTitleElement<>(1);
segmentedInlineTitle.setOptions(Arrays.asList(new ListItem(1L, "Banana"),
    new ListItem(2L, "Orange")));
segmentedInlineTitle.setValue(new ListItem(1L, "Banana"));